Abstract: Widespread vaccination remains the best option for mitigating the effects of COVID-19 and ending the pandemic. But the effectiveness of mass vaccination as a strategy is limited if a significant number of people choose to forgo vaccination. First, I will present the results of two survey experiments fielded prior to the approval of COVID-19 vaccines that examine how persuasive messaging can increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions, willingness to advise a friend or relative to get vaccinated, and negative judgment of people who choose not to get vaccinated (Paper 1). Then, I will narrow in on a particularly hesitant group, White evangelicals, and examine whether the effect of persuasive messaging has changed over time (Paper 2).
Scott Bokemper (Ph.D., Stony Brook University, 2017) is an Associate Research Scientist at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies and the Center for the Study of American Politics. He uses experimental methods to study cooperation in mass society and has examined topics like social insurance, collective decision making, vaccination, and preventive health behaviors.
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