Seth Hill is Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of California, San Diego. Professor Hill studies political participation and vote choice. His research uses statistical methods to identify patterns in American voting from large-scale data compilations such as opinion surveys, precinct election returns, and administrative voter files. His teaching interests include American politics, voting behavior, and political methodology. His published work has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Election Law Journal, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Political Science Research and Methods, Public Opinion Quarterly, and World Politics. He held a postdoctoral appointment at Yale University from 2010 to 2012.
“I found the Center to be the most intellectually stimulating place that I have experienced. Its mix of scholars with diverse interests and knowledge dedicated to learning about American politics made it an incredibly valuable place for me to develop skills and be exposed to new ideas as I began my post-doctoral academic career. It is a place that practices social science at its best.”