What happens when the president’s party loses control of the U.S. House of Representatives? What does it mean for executive and judicial vacancies that Democrats will maintain control of the Senate? Will parties and politicians adjust their policy priorities in response to the electorate? What will the results in races for governorships, state legislatures, and secretaries of state mean for abortion rights, gun control, voting access, and more? ISPS Director Alan Gerber will lead a discussion on what the most recent expression of the public will can tell us about pressing policy issues over the next two years.
The panelists will be:
• Allison Harris, Assistant Professor of Political Science, resident faculty fellow with ISPS at Yale, and Co-Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Inequality
• Christina Kinane, Assistant Professor of Political Science and resident faculty fellow with ISPS at Yale
• David Mayhew, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science and faculty fellow with ISPS at Yale
• David Shor, Head of Data Science at Blue Rose Research in New York
Please register in advance on Zoom at https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ViRiFSuZT9qU6qBzDjtIFw.
Sponsored by the Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies