The Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) Democratic Innovations Program invites you to the first in a new series of events on government performance and accountability. Please join us for a virtual presentation and Q&A with McKinsey & Company partners who have led major public and private initiatives to help make corporations and government work more effectively and efficiently.
Featured Panel:
1. Scott Blackburn: Senior Partner in Washington, D.C., where he leads large-scale transformation programs in both the private and public sector. He sits on the board of the McKinsey Center for Government, a global hub for research in government productivity and performance. Between 2014 and 2017, he was part of the Department of Veterans Affairs where he led the MyVA transformation before serving as the interim VA Deputy Secretary and then later as the CIO.
2. Adi Kumar: Senior Partner in Washington, D.C., where he leads McKinsey’s global work in reimagining economies and the firm’s “Reinvesting in America” initiative. In 2018, he founded McKinsey’s Government Transitions Initiative, a nonpartisan program that provides insights to help state and federal leaders as they take office. Kumar left McKinsey for brief stints in 2008 and 2020, advising presidential transition teams and serving multiple advisory roles in the White House.
3. Nikhil Sahni: Partner in Boston and a leader in McKinsey’s Center for U.S. Health System Reform. He is also a fellow with Professor Clay Christensen and David Cutler at Harvard University, where he is looking into enabling disruptive innovation in the public sector. Prior to joining McKinsey, Sahni spent time with the National Economic Council and the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission.
The panel will be moderated by Alan Gerber, Sterling Professor of Political Science and director of ISPS.
Register on Zoom at https://yale.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArduiorzgpGNHCl-OnWtYPLnYcfAkNGK0u.
This panel event is part of Democratic Innovations, ISPS’s new program focused on understanding how democracy works and when it fails to achieve its potential. More information at https://isps.yale.edu/programs/democratic-innovations.