Join us for a discussion of research data availability for the study of ranked choice voting (RCV). This virtual event will feature presentations by Rob Richie, Deb Otis and Jeremy Seitz-Brown of project FairVote, followed by a Q&A period. The event is being hosted by the new Democratic Innovations program at ISPS. Registration is required in advance on Zoom. LINK TO REGISTER
FairVote is a nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all. They research and advance voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American. FairVote has a proven record since 1992 as a trailblazer that advances and wins electoral reforms at the local, state and national level through strategic research, communications and collaboration. Today, they are the driving force behind advancing ranked choice voting and fair representation in multi-winner legislative districts that will open up our elections to better choices, fairer representation and more civil campaigns.
- Deb Otis (Senior Research Analyst), is a founding member of Voter Choice Massachusetts, the campaign to win RCV statewide in Massachusetts, and she joined FairVote to continue her work supporting electoral reform at the national level. Deb’s research focuses on political polarization, representation for women and people of color, election recounts, runoff elections, and the electoral college.
- Rob Richie (President and CEO), has been the leader of FairVote since co-founding the organization in 1992 and was named president and CEO in 2018. He has been involved in helping to develop, win, and implement: ranked choice voting in states and more than 20 cities, fair representation voting systems in numerous Voting Rights Act cases, the National Popular Vote plan in 16 states, and voter access proposals like voter preregistration and automatic voter registration.
- Jeremy Seitz-Brown (Policy Analyst), engages academic audiences around FairVote’s reform agenda and supports the CEO with policy and writing assignments. Before starting work with FairVote in July of 2019, he worked for a year on electoral races in Pennsylvania.
The event is being moderated by Alan Gerber, the Charles C. & Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Political Science and Director of ISPS.
Sponsored by: Democratic Innovations - A new program at the Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies.