The 25th Amendment details a mechanism for removing the U.S. president from office. A panel of experts in constitutional law and American politics will discuss the meaning and history of the amendment. The amendment has never been used to involuntarily remove a president. When should the 25th amendment be used for this purpose and what would this mean for American democracy?
The panel will be moderated by Alan Gerber, the Charles C. & Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Political Science, Director of ISPS, and Dean of the FAS Social Science Division.
• Akhil Reed Amar, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale University
• John Feerick, Norris Professor and Former Dean of the Fordham University School of Law; Helped draft the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
• David Mayhew, Sterling Professor of Political Science Emeritus, Yale University
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Sponsored by the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) and the Center for the Study of American Politics (CSAP) at Yale University.